On Things I Wish I’d Known

I think every mother has things she wishes she had known and done differently when her children were young. The more our kids grow and the more we learn as mothers, the longer that list gets. Some of those things are minor – like how shoe choices affect gait and proprioception. But some pieces of information are of much more importance.

There is one thing which, had I known, would have made a HUGE difference in my parenting choices and in my children’s lives.

This one piece of information is something which I should have researched as a Christian and as a mother. The information was available long before the invention of Google. Yet I chose not to do my due diligence. Why did I not ask for and read those particular labels?

Furthermore, this information is something I believe every Christian needs to know. Yet no preacher, elder, or Titus 2 woman ever warned me about it when I was pregnant. Not one.

Every doctor and nurse has this information readily available. Yet not one ever shared it with me – even when they knew I was a Christian.

Nor is anyone really talking about this topic today. Even after the events of 2020 and the revelations that followed, this topic is taboo not just in mainstream, but in the alternative media, too. (There are a few notable exceptions listed below, but you have to be diligent to find them.)

While I bear ultimate responsibility for my decisions, I did feel a bit angry when I discovered that the people I trusted regarding spiritual and physical matters had not bothered to warn me.

So, what is the biggest thing I wish I had known when my children were young?

Image by Ewa Urban from Pixabay


Yes. You read that correctly. Vaccines contain DNA from aborted babies.

I was HORRIFIED when I learned this. I allowed my precious, innocent babies to be injected with tissues of murdered children. By purchasing and using the end products, I participated in the vile abortion industry which harvests and sells the organs of babies even as they are being prematurely delivered to death.

Let that thought sink in for a moment. For anyone who values life as a gift from God, the weight of this knowledge is unbearable:

We, as a society, deliberately harvest the organs of ‘unwanted’ children, use those organs as cultures for diseases, and then inject the product into ourselves – because we believe it will bring us health.


Is that really any different than sacrificing a child to Molech?

Do we really believe we can participate in murder without bringing God’s righteous wrath and judgement onto ourselves and our families?

Oh yes we do! And not only that, but we expect it to bring us health and blessings. How twisted is that?

Is it any wonder that chronic disease, cancer, addiction, abuse, corruption, and evil are plaguing every aspect of our society right now?

Yet our churches remain silent. When was the last time you heard a sermon on this? Once in a while a brave preacher might touch on the topic of abortion. But do they mention the end products of that business and how we participate in it? NEVER.

Why? …

The Documentation

I realize that this information may be unbelievable for some Christians. That sort of evil is incomprehensible. So here is a bit of documentation. Please research this topic.

[Update: While composing this post, I had trouble finding some of the lists I had used previously. The day after publication, I found this: “Why Is the CDC Deleting Its List of Vaccine Ingredients?” This article is quite enlightening. Be sure to peruse the comments section for more links, including some from the wayback machine.]

If, like me, you are now horrified, PRAISE GOD! Godly sorrow brings repentance and forgiveness for ourselves, our families, our nations. There is hope! (2 Corinthians 7:9-11)

“Whatever. I can’t do anything about that.”

Perhaps you are not really surprised to learn this. It feels like just one more revelation of the corruption of some person or organization we used to trust.

I get it. There are times when we have to just let these things brush past us because there is nothing we can do about them.

This is not one of those things; this actually affects you. It should affect daily decisions. There are things we can and must do to correct this evil. I encourage you to at least view the video linked in the last bullet point. Take a moment (or 17) to consider some of the implications and repercussions. Allow the truth to bring you to sorrow. Don’t allow your heart to become callous.

What We Can Do

Obviously, this sin is not minor. Other nations were completely destroyed for such things. It is only by God’s incredible mercy that we have not been destroyed already. But there is hope.

As the people called by His name, we need to be on our knees, weeping over this sin we have committed. We and our children may still have to bear the physical consequences, but we do not have to suffer eternal separation from God.

We must confess this sin to each other (James 5:16) admitting how each of us has participated in it. And we must repent (2 Corinthians 7:9-11). This means we must stop seeking health through the very pharmaceutical companies who are knowingly buying and selling organs of aborted babies.

There are effective ways to prevent and cure diseases without pharmaceuticals. (For that matter, we have been lied to about their severity and deadliness.) Our Heavenly Father is faithful to show us what our bodies need to be healthy.

But we must repent and seek God first.

Then, we can declare to the world that our God has the power to deliver us from disease – but even if He does not, we will not bow to that idol.

Years ago, when I learned that vaccines contain DNA from aborted babies, I promised myself that I would not remain silent. I would warn other young mothers so that they would not make the same mistakes that I did. So I share my story in person. And now I have shared it here in my little corner of the internet.

I pray that this post encourages you to seek out the truth and to stand on God’s word. Be strong and courageous. Do not fear.

**The Notable Exceptions

I must give thanks for the people at Georgia Right To Life. In early 2021, they issued an email detailing the association between the Covid vaccines and abortions. Our family had already determined that we would never receive the shots. However the email from GRTL was something we could share with other Christians as we attempted to reason with them in this matter. The people of GRTL were the only ones who issued this warning.

And, of course, the people and organizations mentioned in the documentation above and a few others have been faithfully sharing this information for several years. Due to censorship, their sites are not easy to find. They rarely show up in search engines. They have been shadow-banned or completely blocked from mainstream social media.

Thank you for being the exception and sharing this critical information!

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