Blog Posts
On Enjoying Winter Hiking
I am not a warm natured person. If everyone else in a room is hot, I am probably quite comfortable. My body simply does not generate much heat. Basically, my internal furnace – is an icebox. So for me, the absolute hardest part of hiking in the winter, by far, is pulling myself away from…
On Togetherness
Schooling is about separation. Home education allows, even encourages, togetherness.
Dead Man Branch Trail
The Dead Man Branch Trail is a hidden gem. It offers nature immersion, a little history, and moderate exercise.
Opossum Creek Falls Trail
The Opossum Creek Falls Trail in northwestern South Carolina is a beautiful, quiet hike featuring a sandy beach and a secluded waterfall.
On Snake Bite Kits
Here in Northeast Georgia, it is not uncommon to see snakes. I have seen black snakes, ring-necked snakes, red bellied snakes, Northern water snakes, and other non-venomous varieties of this creature – both on trail and off. Of the venomous varieties, rattlesnakes and copperheads are the most common here in the mountains. I have yet…
On Testing Gear
I recently watched this video by Dixie of Homemade Wanderlust. Dixie began backpacking several years ago with an AT thru-hike. Since then, she has gone on to complete the Triple Crown as well as many other trails in the US and abroad. She is quite a celebrity in the thru-hiking community. Even with all those accomplishments she…
On Seeking the Good
Our Sunday school class recently discussed adversity and tragedy and how we will face them in our Christian walk. It was a great class. But I got a little distracted.
Panther Creek Falls
The Panther Creek Falls Trail is a popular swimming/camping/hiking spot in Northeast Georgia – for good reason.
On Riding the Lines
Recently we had the opportunity to drive a rental car with lots of bells and whistles. As I was driving it home on our little backroad, I happened to drive onto the yellow line for a moment and felt the steering wheel vibrate on the left side. That was a little surprising! I immediately recognized…